Blogs, poems

My Mammy

This poem was putting together the thoughts of a severely down syndrome cousin upon the death of his mother

My Mammy

Was a Queen on earth

Who took great care of me

Now! Living In the stars

A special place to be

She is my Queen of Angels,

Who is watching over me

I’m being taken care of

I know that you can see

I have my own special room

With new friends I have made

It’s like a special family

And Cuddles thinks it great

There are lots of things

I’d like to say

But you can read my thoughts

God bless you Mammy up above

Looking down at me on earth

By Ray Johnson

Blogs, Dyslexia, reading and writing using a computer course, Young Families with dyslexic children

Dehydration Warning

This is an important Warning.

By Granddad Ray

Dehydration and its effect can be very serious on your blood pressure from lying down systolic 114 dropping down to 84 standing up. Sitting down when your dehydrated trying to concentrate using a computer or reading, writing and maths etc is all effected.

I was rushed into hospital on a Friday night with this problem, standing. The room was spinning. I had difficulty concentrating on questions that were being asked, also dancing letters on the pages.

As I am slightly anaemic this was thought to be the cause. Blood tests were carried out at intervals during the night blood proved to be constant. The Dr said you don’t need a transfusion. We are transferring you to Ward 41 I knew this to be the stroke ward.

Testing started at six am systolic 114 over sixty eight one hour later same again. Another blood test fine.

Eight AM another blood pressure test. First lying down 114 over 68.

Then standing up dropped to 84 I did not even look at the other pressure. I had to drink 750 ml of water then a repeated pressure test this time systolic 116 lying down   90 standing up

Nine AM Another 750ml of water, nine fifteen another blood pressure test 116 sitting 112 standing, the room remained stable, forms became readable.

I have tried an experiment writing before drinking the water. I had reverted to dyslexic writing missing out link words and a couple of spaces and punctuation.

I then drank 1.5lt of water then restarted writing, back to normal.

This experience made me think about the conductivity of water within our body.

Another thing was the clarity of vision. I had not noticed was a little feathery before.

If you wish to try this go ahead. I am overjoyed at the effect.

Your comments would be appreciated.

Granddad Ray


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 58

going to study forest management. Josh is going to a physical training establishment and I am going to university to study Law.’

Mr Grimly came up to the group carrying the typewriter which had survived the blast. ‘This belongs to you Peter.’

Cumming up the drive was the Austin ten with May behind the wheel pulling up in front of the group.

‘Where are Maurice and Harry? Come here Peter she gave him a big hug, ‘Good luck it is great news you will do well. Now don’t let Paula terrify the life out of you. It’s your turn for a cuddle Paula my little princess, I should really say my grown up princess’

‘Hi Aunty May it is great to see you. You have not been to see us for a long time I miss the long rides through the woods with you.’

‘You can take Peter with you; he is very good with horses. Well boys put your kit in the car with Rupert’s I am expected at the hall as soon as possible.’ shaking hands with the men and Peter; May left after having a word with Commander Grimly about the rebuilding of the damaged school.

Victor, Sir Damien Mr Young and Commander Grimly retired to the Head Master’s Office for Lunch served by the pupils. Girls were not allowed in the school so we are taking you in for lunch and I pity the person who tries to stop us. Marching into the dining hall one on each side the new head boy came forth to do his duty. There was a sudden silence.

‘It’s my duty to inform you that no young ladies are allowed in this dining room’

Paula Grabbed his shirt front and kissed him then said in a loud voice ‘I challenge you to throw me out! Or any one of you! There was a loud chorus you can sit with me miss. The Head boy said we would deem it a privilege if you will dine with us Miss Voss.

The three of them sat at the top table to be waited on by the head boy then Typical of Paula she asked him to join them for lunch and instructed one of the boys to take over as waiter.

‘Clive how is your sister Christine? She was bridesmaid at Minot’s Wedding in Chester the last time we met.

Yes, ‘You must be Paula you two had a horse race at the reception, and Mater was not amused, the guests thought it was a put up job as a joke then you started rodeo riding standing on the saddle. Minot’s face changed at least sixty times from smiling to fury and back again.’

‘Do you know Cousin Mark and Peter?’

Yes and Rupert they are the school heroes which will be hard to live up to but I will try my best.

‘You’re lucky staying here I will have to tame these two with friendly persuasion’

Too quickly the meal was over and time to up root. Hot foot it to the car, Mr Young handed Mark a highly polished knuckle duster this should add to your memories it was dislodged by the bomb blast.

With the last shaking of hands they departed in Sir Damien’s car.

Continued in The secret life of Lord Rupert Blocky on kindle in the search Type in Lord Rupert Blocky


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 57

‘I haven’t finished with him yet.’

‘You are! His jaw is shattered and we need at least one to talk.’

Paula grabbed the diver by the collar and heaved him onto his feet his nose was bleeding rushing him through the door into the room tell this gentleman what you told us. Who is your boss?’

‘Lord Brockenmyre.’

‘What were you supposed to do?’

‘Let all the dogs out’

‘Here is the proof; the other one will need hospital treatment urgently he tried to kill Peter.’

‘Leave this garbage to us, you and Peter find an empty room to disappear out of sight I will shout when I want you, and take that rifle out of sight with the case.

‘I want boiling water to clean my rifle before I do anything else. Then place it in its case also we could use a mug of tea.’

Victor detailed a soldier to do the necessary. They climbed the stairs moving into the second bedroom with a dressing table and a low table Paula had the rifle completely striped down when the soldier came in with a dish and cloths and two mugs of tea with two tea spoonful’s of sugar in each mug and a kettle of boiling water. His eyes nearly popped out of his head at seeing such a rifle you must be a fabulous shot sir.

‘He is brilliant’ said Paula, Hoping Peter would say nothing. ‘Then turning to the soldier you have not seen it Ok. Thanks for the tea we are ready for the drink.’

Paula went to work on the rifle cleaning every part before oiling it and placing the parts in there sections in the box. The rifle case was hidden out of sight. Before sitting on the two mattresses to drink their tea they fell asleep halfway through drinking the tea.

‘What happened to us the last thing I remember I was drinking tea’ Peter said.

‘It’s time to go back to your school we can talk on the way’

‘Thanks father I’ll bring the rifle box.

They drove past the hall there was a very large hole in the front lawn with people completely covered in white from head to toe clearing the hall and throwing things into the hole and covering the things with quick lime. That was the last time it was ever mentioned.

‘You will soon be leaving the school I would like to give you the opportunity to train as a cartographer. I have spoken to your Father explaining the reasons, he agrees if that is what you want. You have his full agreement.’

‘Thanks Victor it would be the chance of a lifetime’

From now on you are attached to the admiralty working with me until the end of the war. And be based in our house is that acceptable?’

I expect you to help with the horses.’

‘Yes boss’

The first person he met on arrival at school was Rupert.

‘Thank goodness you’re in one piece, Mark’s fine he returned late yesterday he collected your things and his, he is going to Dartford College. Maurice and Harry are

Continued Wednesday


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 56

Trying to be brave he kept his mouth shut the other one stared in ore until the first was thrown on top of him. ‘Now the two of you speak or I will get annoyed and rough you up until you wish you had not been born and you have my permission to try and hurt me they tried to get up when their heads were banged together hard.

‘Paula I yelled we need to talk to them.’

‘Peter you’re a spoilsport I hope you have not damaged my rifle or I will skin you’

One of the commandos said ‘I will take bets on that’

Paula’s rage had subsided a lot when, one of the young men spoke ‘It’s you I have seen you take on eight stable hands and beat the hell out of the lot of us’

Who put you up to this? Was it your boss Lord Brockenmyre?’

‘Yes this is one of his houses.’

‘What were you to do?’

‘Put an explosive bomb against the big door and let all the dogs out’

‘Do you know anything about the dogs?’

‘No we just had to let them out, will you help us please.’

‘Get in the back of the truck.’

Turning to the sergeant I am taking those stable hands with us I must go it is very urgent and well done your troop Thanks for your help now reinforce the ring fence and shoot any animal that moves. Tell the quarantine team I said so on behalf of Brigadier Voss.

We rapidly crossed the lawn out through the gate in minutes we drove into the temporary Head Quarters Paula jumped out and ran into head Office to report to her father she had found  who the leader it is’

Lord Brockenmyre her Father finished.

‘I have the proof in the back of the truck they talked when the car blew up. There was a group of Commandos listening in as whiteness.’

‘Bring them in, is Peter with you,’


‘You’re Uncle Damien and a crew are on their way to collect his Lordship and anyone with him…

Peter went around the rear of the truck to get the two boys out. The older one tried to dive on top of Peter. Suddenly he was flying through the air with no one to land on except the hard road it did stop his fall. Casually turning to the other one, ‘Would you like to try the same?’

The other one climbed down with his hands in full sight. Keep your hands there finding a knife in his sock he felt the change of position his fist travelled from his knee to contact his opponents jaw with the sound of crunching teeth the razor sharp collar knife falling from his limp hand it would have slashed Peters face to ribbons.

‘Beware! The quiet ones are the worst’

‘What?’ Paula asked.

‘It was a quote that was drummed into us every night by Mr Grimly if you sense any movement make sure you hit first and ask questions later. I have never seen a collar knife before. The one in his sock was too obvious, but I still went for it so I was bending down for a perfect target, this will be reported to Mr Grimly so we all learn.

Continued Monday


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 55

you he is suffering from rabies. All the men must have a tetanus jab as soon as possible, and tell the men outside not to enter in here or go near those dogs. This whole place must be put under quarantine. Block all entrances no-one in or out the men outside can do it for now. And tell them to shoot any rats or rabbits in the area.’

The message was passed to Victor Voss via a short wave radio.

A quick call to Rupert to alert the other three units not to enter any of the buildings in case they are the same over’

‘Just received news the south and north stations have been taken and disabled. I will pass on your message to west over’

Contact medical Head-quarters on this number and give this address they will arrange the rest out.’

‘Now you know why Paula is with us I could not risk you hesitating shooting those wild dogs. She has the experience of hunting vermin and dangerous animals, and she is a crack shot’

‘Thanks Paula there is more to you than meets the eye’

‘Will you show me where our men are? We will take the Marine’s transport so they will not shoot us.

Victor nodded, her rifle loaded at the ready she drove through the gap where the gates had been straight over the lawn to the corner where I had left the commandos.

Explained what had been found inside no one to enter there is an isolation unit on the way, block all entrances and let no one in or out including the press and don’t mention any hint of rabies. If they insist on entering shoot them in the leg. Half a field away Paula and I saw three rabbits the business end of her rifle past me and three shots rang loud in my ears I looked in time to see the third fall.

Without hesitation she turned if you see rabbit’s cats or dogs or rats shoot and hope that it is contained when the quarantine team arrive show them where those rabbits are but don’t go near them. The house is in our control so spread out around the perimeter soon the whole place will be ringed send a runner to the other units tell them to lock it up tight.

‘There is a car just ran through the barrier.’ shouted a commando I grabbed her rifle as she grabbed the gear leaver we charged to block the gateway to late he sped through a quick turn and we were after him the noise alerted the guards. ‘Shoot him’ screamed Paula. I used her rifle and fired, hit by a very lucky shot suddenly the car swerved hit a stone and turned over on to its side it was surrounded by commandos in a second dragging the two occupants out. They kept looking at the overturned car. ‘To the motherland they shouted and gave a Nazi salute.

‘Drag them away and get clear’ a small fire had just started inside the car, driving the truck between the commandos and the car. The rear of the truck took the blast. Paula was furious her knuckles were white as she left the truck a quick glance there was very little damage and the explosion had blown out the fire. She stormed after the men dragging the two survivors. On your feet she barked when the first one said ‘Make me you’re only a girl’ one-handed she grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him up and slammed him down hard then up again.

‘If you want more don’t speak’

Continued Friday


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 54

third one came up much higher. No doubt they would be receiving or transmitting information.

Then I heard a whispered voice, I have this side covered report five unit in place. Half limping half running after Paula then falling again getting up, the aerial was still following me the one following Paula had disappeared I knew she had made it to safety. The darkness was falling fast. Slowing down to a limping walk then I heard the dogs being let out I had still fifty yards to go to safety they wanted the work of the dogs on camera then I fell over a low Ha Ha wall taking me out of sight of the house temporally so I ran about twenty five yards out of sight to the left I could hear the dogs getting very close to where I fell over. Holding my gun in my hand ready, the nearest one tumbled lifeless over the wall. I had not heard any shot. I glanced over the wall the other dog had been taken out. The place was swarming with commandos around the house then they were inside in seconds.

Complete control in just ninety seconds there had been some resistance but no match for the commandos. Some stayed outside to make sure none escaped. Paula came up to me still carrying her rifle ‘Are you hurt?’

‘Only my pride letting a girl beat me in a race, apart from spraining my ankle’ Peter said.

‘Oh! I didn’t know that was genuine, I thought it was an act to let me get away ’

‘Well it was until I fell over the.’

HA HA Paula finished.

‘You have a wicked sense of humour!’ we reached the outer wall just as a medical team arrived. Quickly they bandaged my ankle. I tried to put my weight on it I could manage better so they kicked me out now hobble to where you are going. They drove through the gateway, without opening the gate direct to the front of the house there may be casualties to deal with inside. The outside commander shouted one word ‘Halt!

We haven’t received clearance to go in yet’

A shout came from inside ‘Medics now! The Doctor was in ahead of the stretcher crews. One prisoner was holding a grenade the safety pin still in position the other one shot in both arms; ‘One crew bandaged the one with both arms shot  the other  one will not give you any trouble was in a complete world of his own. Where are the next ones?’

‘One down stairs got hit with a rapid opening steel door propelled by a size ten boot Sir’ said a corporal.

‘Any of our men injured?’

‘One with a bullet burn across his thigh and another one with a bullet burn running across his chest two of our men are with them. They can deal with them if they have followed my training.’

‘Is anyone else alive?

‘Our men are still searching Sir’

Time passed, then a sergeant appeared with a person gripped by the ear, beware this one tries to bite; more animal than human. Check the place. If you find people in cages leave them and report to me. Tie that one into a chair without letting him bite.

Continued Wednesday


Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 53

and they are heading towards us. Kiss me she hissed and while we were Kissing she removed my hand gun from my back holster she whispered is it fully loaded?’

‘Yes, I whispered.   Your Kisses are fabulous I shouted out loud’

‘Don’t tell everybody they will all want them and they are only for you.’

‘You two stop or Ill set the dogs on you, what are you doing here? You’re on private property.’

Blushing and looking sheepish sorry we are in love and just started wandering not noticing where we were going, can you show us the way out please.’ Said Peter shielding Paula behind his back ‘Can I ask what kind of dogs they are? I have never seen dogs like them.

‘Very savage they will tear you apart if I let them go.’ This gave me the time to mentally sketch them. ‘There’s the exit in the corner now go I will watch you and if you dawdle I will release the dogs on you.’

Backing off as if they were watching the dogs until far enough away to turn and hurry to the corner exit.

‘That was close’ said Paula, ‘Did you really mean what you said we are in love and my kisses are fabulous?’

‘Don’t look back there are three rifles trained on us from upstairs windows the sun flashed on their sights so I will keep my arm around you until we are out of the gate, I don’t want you injured,’

‘Did you mean what you said?’

‘Well I had to say something to sound convincing even if it’s true, now did you notice the three radio aerials’ that are parallel to the roof it is difficult to see them because they are painted to match their position on the tiles.

Continued Friday

‘Here we are at the gate now turn and kiss me so I can replace your gun in its holder. Then we can walk on.’

‘Quick another kiss and turn slightly. I want to look in your eyes two of the three aerials are being erected and turning towards us checking if we are using a radio.’

‘Time to move on, let’s go quickly past the rear on the outside of the wall they will be watching us. I will go on the inside next to the wall and you on my left pretend you are looking at me.’

‘Good thinking Paula. Three story building but only the top two stories have windows; all the bottom windows have been bricked in with ventilators at the top of each one. No doors to the rear visible.  Stop for a kiss the aerials are above roof height and following us now they have stopped. Now run and I will chase you, make it look like a race, I want to fall, you keep running I want to see if the aerials split one on each of us. Run straight past the west side and keep going give all the information to you father. Don’t be surprised if you are stopped by a marine commando they are watching us. RUN.

Paula ran much faster than I expected. I started to run after her, keeping my pace slower so she gained distance turning along the west wall gaining about fifty yards on me, then I fell and watched her keep running, the two aerials’ split they were not just aerials’ they had cameras attached to them to scan the grounds of the house the

Blogs, reading and writing using a computer course

Granddad Ray’s Magic Computer

Granddad Rays Magic Computer

Learn to Read and Write using a computer.

By Raymond Johnson

Starting section 4

Reduce the point size28 to 14 point

28 point this is how it looked

14 This is what it looks like

The top print is 12 point Arial

Granddad Rays secret codes

Code 1 is for words that have only one sound.

Cat dog hat that mat rat when you say them these words are used to join other word shapes.

Code 2 these words sound like two words joined together when you speak.

The win dow is open

Code three

The door is  o pen ing  as you say the under lined word shapes faster they sound like one sound or word shape

The word croc o dile  My  croc o dile eats mac a roni

Now can you think of a stor ey  a bout your dog or cat and write it down


It is great when you can turn sounds into word shapes if you find a long word break it down into word sounds then you can spell it also you can then read it. Well done

best wishes Granddad Ray.

about, Blogs, Books, Comments, Dyslexia, Home page, Information page, poems, Publishing, reading and writing using a computer course, SERIAL, Young Families with dyslexic children

Viscount Rupert Blocky Serial

Page 52

‘Sir there are two maps the same I know the area north and east of Oxford but I am not too sure of the road to Oxford ’

‘That’s fine study the route with my driver. Looks like you have drawn the short straw.’

Password said, ‘That is on the west coast road these parts are cliffs make sure no one can get to a boat. I think some supplies come in by boat after dark.

You stay with Rupert to man the communications I want you well out of sight.

‘Commander Grimly, take the coast road;

‘We are going to Oxford and silence HQ permanently’ the way that was said sent a shiver down my spine.

‘Phone don’t use radios Good hunting.’ The loaded trucks left in different directions to carry out their tasks we left for Oxford only this time Victor travelled in the front seat of the car and I had to sit with the sailor in the rear a waft of perfume caught my nose the aroma seemed familiar, then I took a closer look. Paula.

‘It took you long enough to recognise me, who do you think is driving the car?’

‘It has just hit me Sir Damien, am I right?’

‘Yes your friend Rupert’s family and our families are closely linked we are the faceless ones in the society who do what is necessary for the safety of the country.’

‘Changing the subject is that a snipers rifle in the case? And who uses it?’

‘Two answers yes and me, sometimes I have to kill injured animals when I am out riding in the forest where the horse breeding takes place we breed black horses for the Guards and keeping them in the woods keeps them out of sight. You and I will be working closely together when we arrive I will be looking through the telescopic sight and take notes and positions before we go in with the truck load of commandos.’…

Here is a sketch pad and pencils ready for you, also a pair of binoculars to sketch the front of the house sides and rear; I will be with you with my rifle sight then we return to the car and directions are then made with the Royal Marine Commandoes our work has to be done in daylight so operations can begin just after dusk.

Peter opened the sketch pad the pages were headed and a rough outline of the buildings also of out buildings within a hundred feet which could be used as approach points.

And a few lines for comments to be filled in with information from Paula. Distances with and without cover, ‘This planning is the work of your Father I commented.’

‘This is to take out traitors of our country supplying and guiding bombers to targets like your school our house Rupert’s home etc.  Think about that when you are making the sketches. I am glad you and your friends weren’t in when the bombing happened.

We walked around the buildings me sketching And Paula using the rangefinder for distances. Three people came out and then returned inside all having a good look around while we were hiding in the hedgerow. We moved fast as soon as the last one returned inside. We had to pass an open stretch of ground.

‘Put your arm around me as if you mean it,’ Paula said. To give the impression we are a courting couple. There are two people coming from the house with two dogs

Continued Friday
